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Enhance Your Productivity While Traveling, with These Time Management Apps

You know how many hours and minutes you have to use in a day of your life, and you also know that there are only so many hours you can actually get a hold of. That being said, we’re also blessed because our mobile devices can truly be a life saviour. Rather than continue to do things manually and slowly, why not take advantage of the many useful time management apps out there in the market? These are great especially when you are on a business trip and time is your most priceless commodity.


It’s hard enough to concentrate on certain things with plenty of daily distractions, but there are also times when we’re unwell or just not feeling it. Rather than rely on our own human strength, this app is purported to combine both neuroscience and music to increase our attention span by 400%. If this sounds appealing to you, just download the app to try it out today.


Managing a team can get pretty stressful, especially when you’re bridging several teams and different locations or functions. With Slack, you’ll get to easily keep track and communicate with one another with barely a life of your finger. Share files seamlessly with anyone and everyone, keep up-to-date instantly, and just enjoy using all their wonderful features.


To-do-lists can be a lifesaver and a nuisance all at the same time. However, they are necessary in our daily lives if we truly want to remain productive and efficient. With Wunderlist, you’ll get to keep track and manage several checklists you want (it’s really up to you), share them with others and also work on several projects without having your thoughts all jumbled up.

Focus Booster

For those who tend to procrastinate or feel overwhelmed by the many tasks at hand, this is the app for you. Modelled on the Pomodoro technique which was originally created to help professionals keep track of when to bill their clients, you can easily use this app to help you keep track of your tasks and to help remind you of when the next task is up and when you need to take a break.


One-time drainer you should definitely avoid is checking and re-checking your typed content. No one likes being their own proof-reader and editor, so why not let Grammarly do it all for you? This amazing app provides you with immediate solutions while you’re typing so you can instantly correct your mistakes on the spot.


It’ll save everything you need and want to access at any time of the day. In fact, you can access all your stored content both online and offline, and it will also automatically sync across all your available devices. From notes and checklists to memos and even images, there’s nothing this fantastic app can’t handle well for you.

The ability to manage our time effectively is a necessary one, and our Connecticut limo service is no exception. From years of experience and trial and error, we have continuously tried to improve our services and ride experience. We understand that our customers expect the best, and we’re more than prepared to deliver the best Connecticut car service. For those looking to enjoy a comfortable and safe ride today, we’ll be more than happy to be your Number One choice.